
The Grip

There are a few different options when gripping the club and it’s important to find one that feels the most comfortable for you.

  • The Vardon Grip is where the right little finger overlaps the left index finger.
  • The Interlocking Grip is a variation to the Vardon grip but the little finger of our left hand and the index finger of the right-hand hook together. This is a popular grip amongst ladies as it suits players with smaller hands.
  • Ten Finger grip is not as common but it’s simple, all ten fingers are on the club.

Grip pressure should never be tight, so remember to grip the club with very little pressure.

The Stance 

Make sure you aim the clubface where you want the ball to go and your toe line is parallel to your target line.

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, let your knees flex and bend forward until your arms are hanging vertically.

Your weight should be evenly balanced and the body relaxed.

Follow Through 

It’s important to make sure that you are facing the target on your follow through and your weight has shifted onto your front foot.

Many amateur golfers assume that as soon as they’ve struck the golf ball, what happens in the final stages of their swing is largely irrelevant, but a nice looking, balanced follow through in your golf swing is very important.

If your follow-through position is out of balance and inconsistent, what happens before that is likely to be out of balance and inconsistent too.


You take a narrower stance when chipping and make sure the weight is mainly on the left foot (for right-hand golfers).

Play the ball in the back of your stance a little so that your hands are forward of the ball. It’s very important that your hands stay in front of the ball.

Pick a spot where you’d like to land the ball and it is a simple rock back and forth of the shoulders, (your arm should form a V throughout the stroke.)


Putting is all about feel, so look at different grips and go with the one that feels more comfortable.

Make sure the ball is left of centre and your eyes are over the ball.

When stroking the ball try to move your shoulders and arms in one piece while making sure you keep your head still.

Think of the stroke as a pendulum movement.

It’s important to get your alignment correct and to keep the putter face square to the target.

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